What is StratOp?
The term StratOp is derived from strategic and operational planning and is designed for companies, businesses, nonprofits, churches, ministries, educational institutions and others, guiding them toward, organizational clarity, focus, alignment, adaptation and healthy growth.
Put simply, a StratOp is designed to guide your organization from where you are, to where you want to be.
Having spent almost my entire adult life in ministry and education, my particular focus is on serving similar organizations. With over fifty years of experience in various countries and cultures, I am confident that working together in the Paterson StratOp Process can provide the vision, direction and strategic steps needed to move your organization forward.
Tom Paterson’s StratOp Legacy
StratOp was invented by master strategist Tom Paterson, a man who made remarkable contributions to business and Corporate America. His longtime friend and collaborator Peter Drucker called him “the greatest process thinker in the world.”
Despite a life that was tremendously successful by just about anyone’s standard, Tom’s greater contribution was his commitment to seeing people and organizations discover (and live) their unique purpose. As Tom continued to develop his StratOp process and provide clarity for businesses and corporations, his insatiable curiosity and innovative mind led him to adapt the same StratOp principles to individuals, so that anyone might have access to that same clarity of unique purpose.
When Tom passed away in 2019 at 94 years of age, he left a legacy of humble service, innovation contribution, and total surrender to a story bigger than himself. To those of us who serve as Paterson Guides, this legacy is very much a matter of heart and one to which we are committed to perpetuate.