Kim | Lee’s Summit, MO
This authentic discovery gave way to reveal the importance of my story, a place to appreciate and learn from my past, as well as time to focus on intentional living to create my legacy.
Rubén | Lima, Perú
Thanks, Jeff, for your patience, wisdom and fresh word that, with all, helped me refocus my vision and challenged me.
Brian | Olathe, KS
I now have a renewed understanding about who I am and a simple plan to guide me forward.
Steve and Beth | Dallas, TX
Thank you Jeff!! It was insightful and incredibly helpful! We're so grateful for your time and expertise leading us through this important process!
A.D. | Kansas City, MO
Thank you for walking me through was extremely helpful and thanks to you, I do think I will view it as a “turning point”.
Patrice | Vitre, France
I love LifePlan. It changed my life. Not a week I don't think about it or mention it to somebody. I often counsel people and think how much they could benefit from it.
Jim | Nashville, TN
Made several major decisions this week with confidence from knowing my purpose through my Life Plan!!